Why does my rooster look like this?

Chicken xto

7 Years
May 13, 2014

This guy, Rudy, is 4 yrs old. He’s always been healthy until now. I came back from vacation to find him lethargic, not eating, and looking like this! I took him to the vet, and hes been on 10 days of enroflaxen, and an anti-parasite (Parowan) or something like that….but he still looks funny, like this, a little saliva sometimes drips from his mouth, and he falls asleep all the time. I can’t find anything on line about this strange body posture. He only weighs 7.2…is that emaciated? He feels so skinny and bony when I pick him up. He does crow, and he does mount the hens…so he has energy enough for that…but hes not “right”. Any ideas? Also….what’s the easiest and best way to deworm the flock….I have 11 hens and Rudy!
Have you felt his neck to see if there is anything lodged in there?
I have felt his body to see if anything feels wrong, but, I also took him to the vet…..but, here where I live in So. California, there aren’t really any really experienced chicken vets. I thought maybe I would get more help on this site since there are so many experts here!
How long were you gone?
Who was taking care of your flock....any incidents?
No, every other thing was fine. I manage some chickens at a non-profit farm in So. Cal. I have volunteers who care for the coop. They are trained in coop care, and most have been doing it for years. We have 15 hens and a rooster in 3 different coops. They are mostly there for public “farm experience” and education. I have a dedicated person every day but Sunday, but they don't really know about when a chicken is out of sorts….unless its obvious, like a prolapsed vent. I was gone 3 weeks, so Rudy had a good chance to loose weight. Todays vet visit just revealed that I would have to spend several more hundreds of dollars for blood work and X-rays….and we may not find out anything. I am doing all I can with supplements…dandelion, marigold, chia seed, flax, vinegar, vitamins, diatomaceous earth…..and I guess nature will decide. To me, Chickens are pretty mysterious when they get sick. Not that many symptoms to go on. Maybe Rudy will rally! My fingers are crossed. I am grateful for the caring feedback I get here!

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