Why does this happen?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Apr 1, 2008
Went in this morning to let the flock out for the day, and there were 2 eggs sitting on the feed can lid where the girls had been roosting. Went to pick up the eggs (which I thought were normal) and they were very soft, though there was a shell on them-felt dry yet gelatinous, but perfect shape. Is there a deficiency in the feed? Or is this normal when they first start laying? They have been laying about a month now.
I have 6 RIR about 10 mos. old, and they are fed crumble feed, along w/scratch in the run and oyster shells mixed into the crumble. They also range the farm for about 3-4 hrs in the afternoon.
BTW~ After picking up these 2 eggs (and thinking "there goes 1/3 my production for the day"
) I went about my business and returned a few hours later to find there were 5 eggs in the boxes. So out of 6 hens 7 eggs were laid...
When pullets first start laying, the eggs aren't always perfect, sometimes soft-shelled, sometimes no yolk. This should work itself out within a few weeks.
I wouldn't mix the oyster shell in with the feed though, they may not be getting enough that way. I put it in a separate feeder so they can eat what they need.

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