Why don't my chickens nap?


13 Years
Oct 6, 2010
Bay Area, CA
I look at postings of other people's chickens, and they are frequently in some state of rest or relaxation. They are all laying down together or resting. My girls don't ever stop moving. Maybe they are still too young. They are 10 months old. They are CONSTANTLY on the move, scratching, digging, eating, begging for more food, etc. Even when I pick up one to snuggle, I only get a few seconds before she's squirming to be put down.

Are my hens just young?
Probably!! Mine don't do much "napping" either. There always on the go!! Depending on the heat though.. When it's blazing they will chill in the shade!!
I'm hoping they mellow with age. I'd love some peace and quiet. The three can make quite a ruckus and I'd love to be able to just hang out w/ them outside.
I only give them scratch in the winter. Too warm here in CA.

I think they are just young and have lots of energy and why rest when you can tear up the garden and hunt for bugs.
Maybe it's the breed(s) you have. My understanding is that some breeds are more "busy" than others. My hens are the big hefty variety and like to rest often.
Thats one of the things I like best about chickens, they are never bored, always moving, always busy.
Thanks for all your replies. My Jersey Giant is my most active and vocal of the three. She's also the alpha hen so maybe that has something to do with it. I have seen her personality morph from not letting me get close to her to now she'll let me pick her up and hold her. She mutters under her breath the whole time and I swear she's saying, "put me down, put me down, I don't like being held unless you are going to hand feed me meal worms, which you are not, so put me down."

Given they are just 10 months old, I think I'll give them more time.

They have a HUGE run for just the three. It's 20' by 14' and it's predator protected. So they stay in there most of the time. I let them out when I'm gardening, usually one morning a week and for an hour or so each evening. I suspect she'd like to be out in the big garden ALL of the time. But I've read about too many hawk attacks and I'm not willing to risk it.

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