why finding a hidden really is not a good this.


6 Years
Apr 7, 2013
moncks corner s
So half my girls haven't been laying so I thought found their hidden nest under my house while fixing a down air duct. Wow nest of 40 eggs explains a lot. I gathered then in my bag to carry out. No big deal right? Yeah not at all. Lol. One had a weak shell. Exploded in bag. Omg the stench. It was rotten in my trusted tool bag. I couldn't get out from under the house fast enough. Left the rotten eggs maybe I can convenience my dh to get it tonight. Good idea I think again no. I come inside my entire house smells of rotten eggs. Now I have to choose. Stay out. in the yard all day. (very cold and windy) or tough it out and go fetch the bag. And encounter the stench again. Oh decisions to make. Just sharing my day
Some of the eggs are probably still good. I'd wash them well and give the float test. If they sink, put them in the fridge and discard the rest.
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I am very scared to go near them. I did woman up and went and fetched them almost lost my breakfast. But they are sitting in my tool bag in the woods. Thankfully it is a windy day house aired out fast.
Get a dust mask from the store (walmart, etc). Put toothpaste along your upper lip and put the mask on. Pinch the mask down around your nose to make a good seal. Go out and do the deed (I'd just toss them all if it were me) while smelling minty fresh.
When I was in Jr high, we had an incubator in our class room. I got 4 bantam eggs, and 2 goose eggs. All 4 bantam eggs hatched... the goose eggs... we let them go a bit longer just in case. When I was taking them out of the bator for disposal, one of them exploded in my hand. We had to finish the class day outside. They had to evacuate the whole wing!

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