Why Goats?

Cluckn Crazy

9 Years
Aug 25, 2010
Peterborough, Ontario
I wasn't sure where to post this question. I find goats very appealing as a small farm owner, but not sure why people choose to keep them (as to argue it with the DH). Is it for milk or meat? Thanks for your time and for humouring me!


I was wondering the same thing- I wanted to know if pygora (pygmy/angora cross) or nigerian dwarf ( both breeds are cute & darling) could be milked and used for weeds (as junkmanme said) and used for cheese making/ fiber making??? what kind of goats were you looking for cluckn crazy?
Just kinda getting started. I enjoy the research as much as the project itself. "They" say when moving to a more self sustaining lifestyle it usually begins with composting, to gardening, then chickens...but then what? I've got bees, goats, meat birds and more gardens on the brain.
I have 2 goats for milk. Extra milk I make cheese, several soft cheeses,Feta,and hard cheese that I wax. Good Goat cheese is the gold standard in bartering. "what's next" Learn to do each task well, only then move on to the next. It is much better for the psyc to do a couple things right than do 5 things poorly.
I have dairy goats for milk for our own consumption and also to raise orphaned calves.
I have two goats, a female pygmy and a female nigerian. Why goats... they are pets and so much fun to watch...I may breed them one day down the road for the experience, but other then that they make me H-A-P-P-Y....
Milk and meat as well as brush control. Mine give a LOT of very creamy, fatty milk for their smaller size, which is great for making cheese, yogurt, soaps, etc. They also are a very meaty breed, which will give us plenty of good eating each spring.
Cluckin Crazy, I'm contemplating the same thing "What next?"! I'm glad you posted this. Maybe we should start a "what Next" thread (in the appropriate forum) so that those of us on that precipice can brainstorm and support one another!

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