Why is my duck falling over and arching back?


In the Brooder
Jun 16, 2022
Hello all!

I need help with my duckling. She is a Silver Appleyard duckling and about two months old. She stays with her other 7 duckling siblings.
Yesterday in the morning I took my ducklings out from thier coop and they were all fine. When I came back from work at 7pm one of my ducklings was having trouble standing. She had lost all of her balance and began flipping over on her back repeatedly. She also arched her back everytime she walked. Its almost looked as if she were trying to poop. At first I thought she was having a siezure but no, my younger sibling told me it had been going on since noon. I continued to watch how she behaved and it was horrible, the other ducks would walk right over her so I quickly picked her up and examined her body but found literally nothing. It was difficult to examine too since she kept moving alot. I wasn't sure if those movements were intentional or not but it felt like muscle spasms. I then brought her in and gave her water and her duck food in a small dog cage. She ate and drunk but she kept flipping and flopping like a literal fish. I tried to calm her down and after a while she did. She sat normally like a duck would. It was late by then so I left her to sleep. She slept through the night ok. Now its the next day and currently 5pm. She is away from the other ducks becuase she could get trampled but she still can not walk straight without arching her back or falling over on her back. She is the only one exhibiting these symptoms. I examined her body again but I can't find anything, theres no blood, swelling, trauma, or broken bones. Could this be a disease??? I also checked her poop the first night and it was white like chicken poop. Now its liquidly from the water she drinks. I searched up possibilities of what she could have and toxoplasmosis popped up, a parasite that comes from cat litter. I don't own cats but my neighbors do. My duckling has no coordination and falls over, struggles to get back up, and walks with her back arched. I am trying to attach video but can't. Here is screenshots of how she stands and falls. Sorry for the blurry pictures, but she is the duckling who is arching and falling over.


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I can't help with what's wrong. Just wanted to let you know for videos you must upload them on another site (like youtube etc) and post the link to it here. The pictures are too blurry to see but I think you described it well.
I hope someone can help you.
Hello all!

I need help with my duckling. She is a Silver Appleyard duckling and about two months old. She stays with her other 7 duckling siblings.
Yesterday in the morning I took my ducklings out from thier coop and they were all fine. When I came back from work at 7pm one of my ducklings was having trouble standing. She had lost all of her balance and began flipping over on her back repeatedly. She also arched her back everytime she walked. Its almost looked as if she were trying to poop. At first I thought she was having a siezure but no, my younger sibling told me it had been going on since noon. I continued to watch how she behaved and it was horrible, the other ducks would walk right over her so I quickly picked her up and examined her body but found literally nothing. It was difficult to examine too since she kept moving alot. I wasn't sure if those movements were intentional or not but it felt like muscle spasms. I then brought her in and gave her water and her duck food in a small dog cage. She ate and drunk but she kept flipping and flopping like a literal fish. I tried to calm her down and after a while she did. She sat normally like a duck would. It was late by then so I left her to sleep. She slept through the night ok. Now its the next day and currently 5pm. She is away from the other ducks becuase she could get trampled but she still can not walk straight without arching her back or falling over on her back. She is the only one exhibiting these symptoms. I examined her body again but I can't find anything, theres no blood, swelling, trauma, or broken bones. Could this be a disease??? I also checked her poop the first night and it was white like chicken poop. Now its liquidly from the water she drinks. I searched up possibilities of what she could have and toxoplasmosis popped up, a parasite that comes from cat litter. I don't own cats but my neighbors do. My duckling has no coordination and falls over, struggles to get back up, and walks with her back arched. I am trying to attach video but can't. Here is screenshots of how she stands and falls. Sorry for the blurry pictures, but she is the duckling who is arching and falling over.
This is like my duck that randomly started doing this… I gave b complex and niacin and he eventually got better. he’s a saxony so I’m assuming he was too fat. After a week he got better.

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