Why is my easter egger plucking my silkie?


Feb 14, 2022
California, San Diego
Hi everyone,
So I have been seeing my silkie losing some feathers the past few day I wasn't sure if she was plucking them herself so I kind of just ignored it. Tonight I saw my easter egger plucking her feathers it didn't seem aggressive at all my my silkie just stood still maybe she was scared? I am not sure why my easter egger is doing this she had never done this before. What should I do? They both seem happy and these two are usually always together what is causing her to pluck my silkies feathers? She has been losing feathers around her face and my silkie doesn't seem to fight back.
Hi everyone,
So I have been seeing my silkie losing some feathers the past few day I wasn't sure if she was plucking them herself so I kind of just ignored it. Tonight I saw my easter egger plucking her feathers it didn't seem aggressive at all my my silkie just stood still maybe she was scared? I am not sure why my easter egger is doing this she had never done this before. What should I do? They both seem happy and these two are usually always together what is causing her to pluck my silkies feathers? She has been losing feathers around her face and my silkie doesn't seem to fight back.
I had an Easter Egger do this. My Cochin's back was bare. I made a sort of fabric saddle (upside down and backward diaper). And I added ground egg shells to their diet. I honestly don't know which part of the equation solved the problem, but after about 6 weeks the behavior stopped. Good luck -- it is crazy annoying.
I have a RSL that does this to others when something looks different about them. If they have a bare spot (I had a feeder that was breaking feathers) or if the EEs have food in their beard, etc, she will obsess & pluck them bare till I separate her. She is separated right now, actually, because I had a major shake up in pecking order & an EE got beat up & was missing feathers on her head/face - my Red started pulling what was left of her feathers so she is in her own coop/run for a couple weeks. So far separating her to break the habit has helped, we shall see shortly if it works again.

Maybe your silkie just looks a little different or she is just being over groomed. This happens a lot & doesn’t always mean there is something wrong but best to make sure there are no bugs, that you have enough space, everyone is healthy & eating properly & nobody is being picked on or beat up.

Good luck, it can be hard to stop if it’s an obsession. I have considered culling my red but thankfully, so far, I’ve been able to separate her & get her to stop.

Pinless peepers on the plucker can be an option too…

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