Why is this happening?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Aug 2, 2014
I have a barred rock chicken and I realized that at one moment her face will be bright red and then at another moment her face will be drained if color and look pale. What's going on?
About 19 weeks. She hasn't started to lay yet.
Sounds like her 'hormones' are kicking in now and is getting closer to point of lay. My Black Australorp girls did something very similar to what you describe. In the morning their combs/wattles were getting pretty red, and later in the day they looked paler by comparison. If it were me I wouldn't be too worried at this point in time.

Have you noticed if she does the "submissive squat" ? That's how I could tell my girls were getting really close to laying. While in the run I would slowly reach my hand down to pet them on their backs and if they sort of lay down spreading their wings a little bit? That's the submissive squat and a sure sign they're getting close....

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