why not all girls laying eggs. Did last year


6 Years
Jun 2, 2013
I have 17 - 2yr old girls. Last year they all laid eggs almost everyday. For some reason this year so far I get anywhere from 6 to 9. Every now and then I will get 11.

I have not changed anything as far as diet.

We wormed and de mited them just as a precaution recently.

They get yogurt and buttermilk a couple times a week. And when I have it I give them veggies. And once a day they get mealworms or some kind of treat.

They all look and act very healthy. Their beautiful in my eyes.

So I am confused. It's not like they are old girls. There still young.

Any answers?
I'm not sure why....pretty much all my 2 year old girls are back at production levels after taking the winter off. Mine are production hatchery birds, though...what breeds do you have? More ornamental breeds will slow down faster.
I see in your avatar they look to be free ranging--is it a possibility they're laying somewhere else?
No I have checked everywhere. Never see any eggs anywhere.
Rhode Islands, Golden Comets and Black Plymouths. They should be laying for years.
Just don't understand.

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