Why? Why? Why??????


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
Why are chickens so weird??????

I recently added another nestbox to my larger coop, bringing the grand total of nestboxes to 7 if you don't count the broody crate that's in use right now. That's seven nestboxes for 17 pullets and hens; two of which - my little polish and the minorca - are not yet laying.

In my brahma coop I only have three nestboxes.

So why, when I let all the chickens out this morning, did I see...

1. Two of the nestboxes in the larger coop with two hens a piece in them (while other boxes were unoccupied)?


2. Three of my younger hens make a beeline for the brahma coop nestboxes?

Aren't they funny? I have four nest boxes, and my gals only lay in the one box. I have nine laying hens right now. SILLY GIRLS!
I know hens like their nest to be in a private area... Is that why? Of course if life did originate from pond scum, not that I believe it did, I wouldn't be surprised if chickens are a bit nuts...
Who are YOU calling weird, lady?

I have a tractor with twelve ISA Browns in it. The nest box contains three nests. Every day we take 10-12 eggs out of the same nest. There won't be any at all in the others. Every day.

Another tractor has White Leghorns in it - twelve of those too - again with three nests in the box. Every day we'll take 9-11 eggs out of the same nest. The center nest is always empty. The remaining nest may have 1-2 eggs in it. Every day.

Still another tractor is full of Easter Eggers. They've only been laying these last couple of weeks. It has four nests in the box. Every day the eggs will be evenly split between the two outside nests and the center two will always be empty. In fact I think I'm going to stop putting litter in those two at all.

Regardless of species girls share many of the same behaviors...
Why are chickens so weird? (Or more appropriately: Why are Gritty's chickens so weird.

Prestige units in the brahma house.
Simply because they are chickens?
Imp is having some fun?
They live in SW Ark?
At Gritty's?
Scooter&Suzie :

I know hens like their nest to be in a private area... Is that why? Of course if life did originate from pond scum, not that I believe it did, I wouldn't be surprised if chickens are a bit nuts...

The nestboxes, large covered kitty litter pans, are identical in make, size and color. The only difference at all is that the ones in the brahma coop are slightly higher.

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