Wife has BYC account and won't

My DH just asks " How the chicken people doing?" He does not care. I think he is happy I am raising chcikens instead of wanting to constantly do home remodeling.
He forgot to go out and shop for my birthday, so I ordered 5 new windows for the front of the house. hehehehehe

He thinks if he leaves me alone about my chicken hobby, he can continue to go overboard with his Harley Davidson collection. But actually it's the other way around.

By the way......it's not me hehehehehe
That would be my reasoning. I don't want my husband to see how much "those dumb ol' chickens" cost. He would do a cost analysis on me. The cost of shipped egg/the hatch rate *the amount of food each chick eats= me in the hole.

Fuzzie butt, do you have any of the following animals:3 dogs 1 Jack Russel, 1 German Shepheard, 1 Brussels Griffon, 1 cat Orange Tabby, 1 clawed frog, several fish, 2 Leghorns, 1 Orphingtons, 4 Easter Eggers, 3 Black Stars.

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