wild duck on a nest possible injury bad location


In the Brooder
5 Years
Feb 7, 2014
Ok so I park in a parking garage in md at the metro. I found a girl there sitting on a nest in the corner. She lets you get about 2 feet from her befor she mantles and acts as if she was hissing but no sound. I got to see her off her nest today. She does have eggs. I moved back and she got back on her nest but did not Stand up more like she could not stand and push waddled e. I really think she is hurt some how. People have been feeding her bread. And I dont think she has been leaving the nest to get water which is about 200 yards away in the form of a creek. I want to grab her and bring her home to see whats wrong. I dont know anywhere to call and animal control says since she is at metro it is their problem and they can callit in if they need her removed.
I do have 7 ducks of my own and have had ducks for about 6 years on and off.

So two things
Should I try and grab her to bring her home with me and try to carr for her?
does anyone have a wildlife sanctuary number in Maryland Gaitherburg =ish area?
That does sound like a bad situation. Often, though, mother mallards will stay on a nest or stay completely still even when a "predator" gets really close. They're hoping you don't see or smell them and move on. And, they sometimes do the "hurt bird" act to distract you. I wouldn't touch the duck or nest for now unless there is immediate danger to her (such as a car is going to run her over or someone else might hurt her).

I found a place in Gaithersburg called Second Chance Wildlife Center and their phone number is 301-926-WILD and their website is: http://www.scwc.org/index.html They're open from 9 to 5 and I don't know if they have an emergency number. They would be the best people to determine whether or not she should be moved or not.
what worries me the most was that she would not stand up when she went back onto the nest. When I checked on her last night on my way home from work her nares where running a clear liquid (not sneezing) but there is no water source near her. I know they will run sometimes. Oh also when I saw her last night she did not mattle up as much when I went to close to her.

She is in such a bad spot being in the garage, people are not overly friendly at this garage and i worry some one would try to hurt her for fun

I called them and they said to see if I can pick her up with a towel, if she really fights me leave her alone but she may abandon the nest. if she does not really fight bring her in right away.
I wonder if you should carefully gather the eggs and bring them in, too, if you can catch her. Not all wildlife rescues can handle eggs, though. I wonder how close they are to hatching.
i would be able to but the wildlife place said leave the eggs and I have no way to take care of them until they hatch out - no incubator

One of the eggs was cracked when I looked in the nest. but no duckling to be found you can see it in the second picture right side top egg
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If you want, you can leave her there until the ducklings hatch. She wouldn't be able to lead them away, though, and the ducklings may start running around and getting hurt. But, since we don't know when she laid them, it could be weeks before they hatch. Definitely keep an eye on her.

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