Wild / Feral Hybrid Chickens

Rescue Mama

In the Brooder
Jun 30, 2016
This bantam hatched in 13/14 days!!! Not Possible!!! Unheard of, right!!! She also has a great deal of feathers for her age of 14 days. In the photos she is beside 8/9 day old Exchequer's & Americana's. This can't be right!! I have lost my mind!!! After a ton of research I may have some answers. It is quite possible she has a recessive hybrid gen of Bantam & Quail. Quail hatch & develop quicker than chickens. After communicating with a private chick breeder out west that has a few of the bantam/quail combos we discovered her normal bantam/quail hatch time is 15-18 days, but a few has hatched in 13-14. It can happen naturally in the wild or in a controlled environment depending on the breed of Bantam & Quail. However, a great deal of hybrids are sterile but the chances of reproduction is greater if it happens naturally in the wild. We have no proof this is the case considering the mother Hen & father Roo are feral's that appeared on my property. No one knew who they belonged too, needless to say their history. Mom & Dad appear to be Silver Duck Wing Bantams, photo also attached. This possible insight does help me to feel I'm not losing it, LOL. Thought I'd share encase anyone may have a similar situation. You're not alone....

No. My brooder had been setting for about 3 weeks. When I lifted her to see what was going on. There were no eggs & no other eggs in the house. I keep her locked up in the coop when she broods. One of the feral's (I only had 2 hens & the roo at the time), will lay an egg by my backdoor everyday & I always pick it up & bring it in. (These guys roost in the trees still, even after building them a coop & house. Crazy chickens). That particular day as soon as she laid the egg I put it under the brooder on April 3rd, marked the calendar. Saw the baby on standing with brooder on the morning of April 17th. There were no other eggs under her. Just recently bought the chicks when the baby was hatched. I know it sounds crazy. But the info I discovered tells it is possible. Truly thought I was losing it, lol. I encourage folks to research it. There's a great deal of fascinating info about hybrid birds.
Agreed!!!! It's astonishing to also see how quickly she's developing. I took this photo last night after they went to bed. She's just at 2 1/2 weeks old. The yellow gal beside her is a Americana & the smaller one is a Exchequer, the brown furry up in the left is also a Americana, they are 4 days younger. Her wings are already 3/4" to 1" longer than her body. Her tail feathers are about 1 1/4" long. I'm calling her my Quickin, a cross over of quail & chicken along with her rapid growth, lol.

Agreed!!!! It's astonishing to also see how quickly she's developing. I took this photo last night after they went to bed. She's just at 2 1/2 weeks old. The yellow gal beside her is a Americana & the smaller one is a Exchequer, the brown furry up in the left is also a Americana, they are 4 days younger. Her wings are already 3/4" to 1" longer than her body. Her tail feathers are about 1 1/4" long. I'm calling her my Quickin, a cross over of quail & chicken along with her rapid growth, lol.
Wow amazing! She's huge! And love the name lol
I would just like to point out, to those who aren't aware, that the 'Quail' implied are Coturnix quail, not the wild Bobwhite quail, as those two are in entirely different families and aren't closely related.

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