Wild RP

Tallulah: I heard another stallion nearby the woods at the fields edge. *shed said as shed rejoined the herd. Then looked back at the two foals.* thought I should report that. *she stated to him.*

*charger squealed and reared up as well. The other stallion was big, but so was he. He wasnt afraid of the challenge either. He kicked out at midnight's chest with his sharp hooves.*
clover gave tallulah gentle eyes - "It's alright, as long as they aren't challenging me i'm sure it's fine"

- The big stallion snorted with an ease of pain, he bit the stallions shoulder with his strong teeth as his strong jaw held onto his skin -
"Hey tough guy, one of your mares already left you because you just want to pick fights, and think you can win" - he snorted loudly, eyeing the innocent white mare -
(" Ace paced around, worried about Ivy, his mares could tell and he went around licking them, he thought about going after her but he wanted to trust her ")

(" Iris grew tired as she began to graze, regretting leaving Ivy")

(" Silver dollar watched the white mare, her beautiful coat shined against the gentle sun ")
clover gave tallulah gentle eyes - "It's alright, as long as they aren't challenging me i'm sure it's fine"

- The big stallion snorted with an ease of pain, he bit the stallions shoulder with his strong teeth as his strong jaw held onto his skin -

*charger snorted before biting him back. This was only his second time fighting as his herds new leader so he wanted to further prove that he could defend his foals and herdmates. He was listening for his herd as he fought.*
"Hey tough guy, one of your mares already left you because you just want to pick fights, and think you can win" - he snorted loudly, eyeing the innocent white mare -
Who is saying that??)

Tallulah: ok, im not sure if he would or not.
Ivy started off once again, and in a few minutes, to her delight she saw Iris! How lucky she was. Quietly, so as not to scare her, she said, "Hi, remember me?"
*charger snorted before biting him back. This was only his second time fighting as his herds new leader so he wanted to further prove that he could defend his foals and herdmates. He was listening for his herd as he fought.*

Who is saying that??)

Tallulah: ok, im not sure if he would or not.

- Nightmare swished his tail angrily and pounced (lol) onto the stallion, barring his teeth as he sunk them into his back, his nostrils flared as he bucked at him -

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