Wild turkeys eggs hatching, now what to do


12 Years
Aug 7, 2007
near ottawa ontario
A friend was cutting hay . He ran over a nest of wild turkeys eggs. He brought them to me.I put them in a incubator,thinking there was no way they were going to hatch. Well last night i heard pepping. I was shocked. They is about 4 out of 9 so far hatched. Do i feed them.Non medicated turkey starter. ?Do i put marbles in their water as if i was raise normal white turkeys?
Diet and environment same as domesticated turkeys.
If you want to return them to the wild keep human contact to a minimum and try to give them expereinces that will be good training for a life in the wild. They will still be at an extreme disadvantage.
You might contact your state wildliefe officials for advice or help.
But you might also run into some problems with them. In some cases they get really high handed with the law and can cause all sorts of trouble.

I know of a case where a guy left a truck door open into the evening and a raccoon got into it. He closed the door walking past later in the evening and trapped the raccoon inside. He did not discover the situation untill the next day when the raccoon had died of heat and stunk the truck up something terrible.

He also had to take his truck in to see about gettting the upholstrey repaired from the critter clawing around. After that the word got around the small town as to what happened and the truck owner got a visit from the game warden who hearly cited the guy for some violation or ten.

The perp in this case happened to be the sitting local municipal court judge with decades of expereince on the bench.

Glad that warden never saw the results of some of my preemptive strikes at potential chicken killing raccoons.
I just adopted out 2 wild turkey poults to one of my broodies (she now thinks she is super broody...having produced chicks after setting for just 12 hours). They are with a 3rd chick that the feed store said was a domestic white turkey...but turkeys don't have combs, still I couldn't leave the little bugger there all by himself. Having a free range hen raise 2 poults and 1 chick creates some interesting contrast in their behavioral differences.

As for mine, they all eat the same thing, generous amounts of forage supplemented by whatever food is out near the coop that day (usually starter/grower crumbles, layer crumbles and a scratch mix). I've found the poults to be considerably more clumsy and slower on 'getting with the routine' of in/out of the coop/nest box in the am/pm...but after a week they've got it all down (the chick had it in 2 days). They also roam much farther from the hen than the chick, and spend much less time taking siestas in the warmth of her feathers. Oh yeah, and they move MUCH slower.
Now mind you, these are just some poults that were at the feed store, I have no background on their quality and just wanted to give them a good environment for their growth....besides, I had a broody and don't need any more chickens right now.
thanks for the replies. All of the 9 eggs hatch. I have them in a broader with head lamp food and water. Dip their beeks. But no one is eating or drinking. I this going to work?
I would find a wildlife rehabber because these guys are so easy to get imprinted. They will be so much happier free. What state are you in so we can help you find someone with experience?

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