Will 5 hens supply my family with eggs?


6 Years
Jul 1, 2013
bruce mines
Hello, as you can see from above i want to know if 5 buff orpingtons will supply my family with enough eggs. We have 60 layers already, but we do not keep them untill they lay because we sell them at "ready to lay" so we have no layers or eggs for ourselves. I only want 5 chickens and i like BO because of how hardy, friendly and docile they are. I also really like there eggs- plus they are a heiritage breed which i prefer. Do you think the would supply eggs for 2 people? And how many eggs do you think i would get each day/week. Thanks!
Hello, as you can see from above i want to know if 5 buff orpingtons will supply my family with enough eggs. We have 60 layers already, but we do not keep them untill they lay because we sell them at "ready to lay" so we have no layers or eggs for ourselves. I only want 5 chickens and i like BO because of how hardy, friendly and docile they are. I also really like there eggs- plus they are a heiritage breed which i prefer. Do you think the would supply eggs for 2 people? And how many eggs do you think i would get each day/week. Thanks!
You can expect up to 200 eggs per year each from your orpingtons. They will lay year 'round so, depending on your individual hens you should have more than enough for a family of two. The original orpingtons had an egg laying average of 300+ eggs yearly but due to the breeding that concentrated on what they look like and not on their production capabilities the egg count has diminished.
I have buff orps. LOVE this breed too.

Yes, they should provide you with plenty of eggs. However, they tend to start laying late (around 6-7 months) and they start to decline at only age 2 or 3. Other than that you will love this breed!
I have buff orps. LOVE this breed too. 

Yes, they should provide you with plenty of eggs. However, they tend to start laying late (around 6-7 months) and they start to decline at only age 2 or 3. Other than that you will love this breed!
i would be buying them when they are 11 months old. I know a local breeder of buffs who will sell me some. I think i will enjoy them! Thanks!
You can expect up to 200 eggs per year each from your orpingtons. They will lay year 'round so, depending on your individual hens you should have more than enough for a family of two. The original orpingtons had an egg laying average of 300+ eggs yearly but due to the breeding that concentrated on what they look like and not on their production capabilities the egg count has diminished.
Thank you! Very interesting about the egg decline!

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