Will a hawk go INTO the henhouse?

I could be totally wrong here, but I really don't think so:

We, as humans, sit in our nice cozy houses in the winter/summertime and we don't really think in terms of predators when we run into this winter being the mildest one yet or a summer that is unusally warm. We have A/Cs and heaters to handle that. A wild animal on the other hand surely has to make changes in their conduct/predatory behaviors based on the weather and the degree of severity of any given season. A simple example of that would be a bear that has been in your area for a long time and never caused a problem until the year there was too much rain or not enough, etc. and this caused a change in the availability of his natural foods - berries or small rodents, etc; so he comes looking closer to civilization. A hungry animal could be a problem where once there was none.
Therefore, wouldn't it be possible that an animal you would never consider being a potential problem WOULD be a problem if the weather and climate conditions were just so?

I didn't think of this. Our weather patterns have been so erratic it is just possible you might be on to something there Grit.


Now I got to go and ponder on this. As if I was not obsessive compulsive enough...


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