i have small flock consisting of two hens, one special chicken (she was born with a broken neck), and four five months old pullets. they have a small coop but have 2.5 acres to range on during the day. i brought home two hens on friday from our local humane society (barred rock and buff orpington mix). i kept them separated for two days in a dog kennel in my coop. when i let them free on sunday, the barred rock, claudia, decided she wanted to terrorize my flock. now my birds move out of the way when they see her coming. they are petrified! i am not worried about my big birds but i am worried about my special chicken and the babies (two of them are still small). should i just let them establish a new pecking order or should i be worried that she is going to kill one of my little friends? any thoughts would be great. thanks!