Will a scarecrow man keep away the hawks?

Scarecrows don't seem to bother the hawks around here.
However, a scarecrow woman with a box of tampax under one arm and a frying pan under the other, will keep my boyfriend away for about a week.

Sorry about the loss of one of your girls.
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We put up scarecrows at a beagle club that I belong to. A week later I saw a redtail perched on the head of one of the scarecrows.
I think that your pigs are safe, but if desperate enough they might have a go at your geese. If you have one or more ganders they will probably thwart the attack. GHO are more dangerous to geese as they attack when it's dark for the most part. This snow is making it hard on the predators, and they are becoming desperate. Good luck in resolving this.
What is GHO
Oh I laughed out loud at the scarecrow woman comment.

The immediate thought was the difference had to be less straw stuffed in the head and a vastly increased memory when it comes to slights or faults by their significant other AKA scarecrow man. In this case he must be without pants because the scarecrow woman will be wearing them and instead of standing upright he must be sleeping on a couch.

Hawks, gill nets are dirt cheap and huge. 10' x 65' one is going for $35.00. A couple of them over the top of the run will solve the problem. Not sure on the legalities but it seems to me that if the net is used over a coop it shouldn't be considered a "trap" and if a protected species found its way into the net, well, stupid bird. Might check with a local game warden first.

If you are a kind heart, don some welder's gloves and untangle the raptor. If you are a country boy or girl your flock will have some fresh maggots in a week or so.
A scare crow only frightens crows not hawks. Scattering human hair from cuttings and/or sprinkling human urine around a scare crow( donated by male family members) can deter predators that fear humans (bob cats,etc) but none of these methods work if the scare crow isn't moved around regularly.


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