Will an electric fence that is for cows, kill or maim chickens, ducks and turkeys?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 13, 2013
I am considering putting up 3 strands of wire around the yard to keep my dogs in. Will this set up injure my chickens or other poultry? I dont want to hurt the poultry but I also dont want my dogs to get shot because they roam off the 100 acres onto a neighbors place. My neighbors are a stuck up woman and a piece of crap lowlife. Who by the way had his dog "disapper" due to killing livestock and attacking children.
No, I had a hundred mile charger on a mile of fence for my cattle, never had a bird die. They usually duck under the bottom wire and their feathers are the only thing brushing the hot wire.

Note : Make sure you train the dog to the fence. A few strands wont contain a determined dog or one that can squeeze under the bottom wire.
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I prefer the wide white tape electric fencing. Place close together it keeps the poultry and animals in. A very visible fence that they do not run into! My turkeys and chickens have touched a regular wire electric fence and went right on thru it once their head was thru it. make sense?

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