Will chickens return home on their own?


Jan 11, 2020
Northwest Indiana
This is probably a silly question, but will chickens naturally return to their home/ coop? I have 6 8 week old hens that have been outside full time for about 2 weeks but have been kept in their enclosured run or coop the whole time. Id like to let them out to explore while im out there and can supervise, but am worried about them wandering too far and not wanting to return to their coop. They aren't afraid of me but don't come when called either so catching them would be a bit of a challenge. Thoughts, advice, suggestions?
I think they will be okay and they should naturally return to the coop once it starts to get dark since you have already trained them to know their coop as home. If you are nervous you could try letting them out 45 min before sunset so they won't have too much time to wander. Some people train their chickens to come on signal (like shaking their food bin).
Hi there. They would likely not venture too far at first but you can train them to come to you if you're worried. Treats are great for this. Just put some scratch in a container and shake it before you treat them. When they learn that means treats they'll come or follow you anywhere!
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I just started letting mine (10 weeks old) out of the run during the day a few days ago and They go in and out of the run throughout the day on their own. I can’t recall them yet either. If they are in the run they will come when called (for treats) but out in the open they couldn’t care less. Every evening they go back into their coop by themselves though!
Thanks everyone! I really want to let them free range but at the same time am worried about other wildlife and hazards.... they seem just fine in their set up, and it's like a chicken tractor so I can and do move it to new grass easily enough every few days. Maybe I should just play it safe and keep them enclosed?
Thanks everyone! I really want to let them free range but at the same time am worried about other wildlife and hazards.... they seem just fine in their set up, and it's like a chicken tractor so I can and do move it to new grass easily enough every few days. Maybe I should just play it safe and keep them enclosed?
You'll need to think about your unique situation and your tolerance for risk to find the right balance. Are there a lot of daytime predators where you live (hawks, loose dogs)? It's hard to get the predation risk to zero, but it can be mitigated quite a bit.

Also, how big is your run? If you keep them enclosed all the time they should have at least 10 sq. ft. per bird.

I keep mine in a chicken tractor most of the time, but I let them out for an hour or a few hours in the afternoons/evenings and usually stay outside with them. My yard has a lot shrubs for cover. A hawk could still swoop down and pick them off, but the risk is lower. I have also installed a predator skirt made out of hardware cloth along the base of my chicken tractor to keep out digging predators.
To free range them is to eventually accept the losses in stride. In the three years I have been raising them my attitude has changed dramatically. My chicken will not ever be happy unless they can get to any green grass they can see. Cooping them isn't an option and that presents challenges in other areas of the yard an example would be our garden. Someone will always decide to strike it out on her own and go broody on the other side of the fence and not return with 10 or 11 chicks. In my world(now) chicken=death and unexpected new life too. It usually only takes 1 week for us to get chicks habituated to their coop area and they always head home for the night. Where they will sleep is the least of your worries, predation is. The positive aspects of free ranging are a seriously reduced feed bill, chicken TV, and unexpected encounters and conversations with your chooks.
Thanks everyone! I really want to let them free range but at the same time am worried about other wildlife and hazards.... they seem just fine in their set up, and it's like a chicken tractor so I can and do move it to new grass easily enough every few days. Maybe I should just play it safe and keep them enclosed?
Depends on your situation. Free ranging can definitely mean losses, but letting them free range gives them more room and possibly better forage. If you let them out expect everything green that they like and can reach to be gone.

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