will goats eat lilacs?


8 Years
Jun 4, 2011
Central Ohio
We are moving into a new place, and there is a lot of poison ivy along our perimeter line, but there are also lilacs. I was seriously considering borrowing a goat from a friend and setting up temporary pen to move along the fenceline, but I dont want them to eat the lilacs that are intermingled. Will the goaties eat my lilacs?
If they have enough other stuff to eat, they may bypass the lilac. BUT if you love those bushes don't risk it.
Mine ate two blueberry bushes and a grape vine this spring.
my little 2 month old doeling not only ate the leaves off of my companions brandnew cherry tree but also broke it off, about 2" above the ground. He was threating to use the small tree trunk to bbq the goat.
If there is something in their field /pen that you want to keep then you'll need to put a protective fence around it...they'll still eat what they can reach of it.

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