Will it ever heal?


In the Brooder
Mar 2, 2019
My Silver Laced Wyendote (sp?) hen has a bare back. We do not have any roosters. Features are not going back and the other hens tend to pick at it.

I am new to chickens. I have 15 hens for about 1.5 years now. I love all of my girls and spoil them rotten. Shat can I do to help her?
My Silver Laced Wyendote (sp?) hen has a bare back. We do not have any roosters. Features are not going back and the other hens tend to pick at it.

I am new to chickens. I have 15 hens for about 1.5 years now. I love all of my girls and spoil them rotten. Shat can I do to help her?

Hello and welcome to BYC!

Can you post a picture of your Wyandotte? Is she the only one with missing feathers? What are you feeding your flock and how are you feeding them? Include all treats as well.
How large is their coop and run in feet x feet?
In general, to give her a bit of relief, if you could get some pine tar from Tractor Supply and coat the bare area, that will stop the picking.
Make sure it has pine tar as the main ingredient, like this one:
A hen sale would help dramatically and protect her back until her next molt when they should grow back again. Adding some extra protein and treating for love/more, just in case would help too. If you decide that you would like a hen saddle, send me a pm :)
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Your hens should be close to molting, and then the feathers should start growing in. Since you do not have a rooster, unless your hen is now molting, you may have a feather picker. What are you feeding? Chickens need at least 16% protein in a balanced chicken feed. Since you are having some feather picking issues, you can switch to a 20% protein all folck or Flock Raiser feed. Put a cabbage out for them to peck, and make sure they have enough room. Boredom and overcrowding can add to feather picking and cannibalism.

When I had some bare backs my first year from the rooster overmating, I made some simple one piece no-sew hen saddles that just slip over the wings. I took a 7x9 inch piece of polar fleece from an old shirt, and cut 2 slits for ings about 2.5 inches long. Trim any excess once it is on. Here is an example similar:

The pine tar is an old but useful anti peck treatment. It tastes bad and it is sticky, but has healing properties. Others are Vicks, Bag Balm, or Nustock Cream.

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