Will my goslings and ducklings harm my chicks?


In the Brooder
Jun 27, 2023

I have goslings (1 male French Toulouse, 2 Emden females) and ducklings (1 male buff Orpington, 1 female magpie, 2 silver appleyard, and 2 welsh harlequin females) coming *checks calendar* umm tomorrow. My chicks, all buff brahmas and Orpington's, all come a week from now. I couldn’t get the date any closer. Will the ducks and especially the geese pick on the chicks if I introduce them? I’d love to have a mixed harmonious flock, but will I have to separate them? I‘m scared that they will be out of the imprinting window.

If anyone has had a similar experience, I’d love to hear some advice. Thank you!
So I had to put my chicks 4 weeks same age as my goslings outside for a day while my shed was moved. Well for one we almost lost one in the pool because it thought oooh a drink. Then mostly they stayed separate. It was time for me to bring them in and as soon as I opened the playhouse door to catch them one escaped my hand and one of the goslings grabbed it up by its head. So nope mine can’t be together.

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