Will my hens return to laying ?


In the Brooder
Apr 4, 2015
Hi there i am thinking of purchasing some hens that are at present laying (half way 1st season). If i move them to a new envioronment would they continue to lay ? thanks
They may stop.Chickens don't like change or newcomers.But,later on to keel, them laying,buying laying mash and feeding to the hens during warn weather months keeps good layers.Corn every morning and night is good for them during cold weather months.Just regular corn,not cooked,just raw.
most of my hens were rescues that were already at point of lay or beyond...the first 2 weeks were spotty as far as eggs being layed...after they settled in they lay steady....some of mine are 2 1/2 years old and lay 5 out of 7 days now. Pullets that are ready to lay cost around $20 to $25 each in my area and are the best value in my opinion...check them over for mites, sores on the feet, clear eyes ect (I also wormed all of mine right away before they were introduced to the rest as a precaution..I do not normally worm unless I know there is a problem but better safe than sorry and since the eggs must be discarded I find it to be the best time)

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