Will my layer and crested white ducks survive Ian???

How many do you have? We brought ours inside with us in the living room.... we're in NE Florida
The thing about ducks is that they spook easily....with the wind so far, it brought down a bunch of branches & twigs that ducks can hurt their feet with while running away from whatever it is they're scared of, then you have to think about what if the stick is chest high protruding towards them and they impale themselves....you don't want to take that risk...also what if something gets blown over so quickly that they can't get away fast enough?

Also that rain and wind was freezing cold for me. I know the babies have down feathers but they can get waterlogged and lose their ability to stay warm. It dropped our temperature down to 60° in addition to the rain.

Just from the damage done so far, I am glad I brought mine in


Update? Were you able to get them in?
Yes - by morning the storm hadn't gotten too close yet and they were hungry again so they wandered into my yard - easy peasy...
So the pond is overfull.
I'm about to put them back out - storm well passed now.Should I be concerned about the flooding. They're ducks - I suppose they'll be fine!

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