Will Peacock and Peahen NOT Mate?


14 Years
Jul 11, 2010
South of Blanco, TX
Recently I put the peafowl together that I wanted to mate but don't see that the females are interested at all in the males I put them with. Is it possible the peahen will choose not to mate or will she finally give way to the only choice she has?
I got so many running around now i could not tell you whos doing who, just doing a head count made me cross eyed but i have not seen any of my birds mating and i am outside most all day long and i would know.
Males fight and chase each other threw the day and their may be a girl watching but she acts like she isn't.
There is a white hen behind these guys, she kept walking up on them kinda pushing them around while they were puffing , tried to step on their trains, strange behavior almost acted like she was blind .
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Oh My Goodness, what a great picture Zazouse! My males are doing the same thing so trying to keep the separated but don't have enough pens. Can't leave them loose....the 2 older peafowl will chase them off the property. I know I have got to part with some of my males. Ugh! I always dread mating season.
I find it hard to turn them over to someone else also but have to draw the line somewhere or they won't be fun to have, don't want this to become my job, i am retired now
That is why i don't want to hatch any for a while, i will just sell the eggs , er eat them
I am sure i will have some hens come up with chicks so i will have some babies but not like the onces that think folks are ok cause they are so imprinted.

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