Will pullets start laying or is it late in the season

Some of my pullets have started laying and I think the rest will soon follow. Question - does the size of their egg change when they mature or is their first egg the size it will always be?
congratulations!! That looks like a nice big one too. It is so much fun to open the nest boxes and find eggs! Today my grey and white EE laid her first blue-green egg, and I even caught her in the act so I knew who it was. Wish I had gotten chickens sooner!
Some of my pullets have started laying and I think the rest will soon follow. Question - does the size of their egg change when they mature or is their first egg the size it will always be?
The eggs will increase in size gradually. Good luck with your flock.
Thank you, must be the leghorn then
Here is another pic with different background and no flash
I've sorta skipped quickly thru the 70 odd posts here so I may have missed discussion on lighting. IMO if you really want egg production in wintertime you should use additional lighting. I always recommend 14 hours of light minimum if you really expect good production from egg layers. My easter eggers on the other hand usually slack off some even with the extra lighting but still manage 2-3 eggs a week in the dead of winter. The more production girls RIR's and similar that I raise will lay winter and summer about the same with the light. To the OP, if 'twas me I'd get them some light(if you haven't), switch to an egg layer feed (I don't worry about the roosters), lay off the high fatty treats (we do feed our girls and boys some scratch grain every day), and make sure they get oyster shell separate on the side. To those that disagree, you're free to post otherwise or not. This is what works for us. Regards, Woody
That's a big selection of breed's. Do you plan to hatch your own egg's later? I'm doing the Naked Neck's over here. They do better in the higher summer heat over here in the desert.

You have Naked Necks! Aren't they the greatest? I have quite a menagerie of breeds as well but the Naked's are my only ones of more that 2 (5 right now). I love those birds, they are such characters! I've had no trouble with them and the cold, at least so far, but I do put heat in their coop for protection.
You have Naked Necks! Aren't they the greatest? I have quite a menagerie of breeds as well but the Naked's are my only ones of more that 2 (5 right now). I love those birds, they are such characters! I've had no trouble with them and the cold, at least so far, but I do put heat in their coop for protection.

I love mine, and that's what I'm going to be basically breeding over here, and working toward's the cleaner neck's on them. Yes, they are character's, and each have their own personality.

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