will red golden pheasant successfully hatch eggs in captivity?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Sep 20, 2013
I got a pair of red golden pheasants in the fall and the breeder told me I wouldn't need to incubate the eggs because the female would hatch them. Well, she has layer 3 eggs now and isn't sitting on them. Should I grab them and incubate or wait? I have an incubator going right now with quail eggs, so could I put them in there with the quail eggs? Thank you for your help and advise.
Yes, she should go broody once she has completed laying her entire clutch. My hen last year incubated her own eggs and raised the chicks. Once she nears the end of her clutch you may see her sitting at night, but you must leave the eggs for her if you want her to go broody. Pheasants are smart, so trust her instincts.
It depends. My hen laid six eggs since I did not pull any. I would say 5-12 is what the clutch can range between.
I wouldn't remove the eggs. Like Blue Creek said once she is finished laying all of the eggs she is going to lay she will hatch them out.
After 15 days the viability of the eggs drops so I would leave 7 eggs(which is 14 days for the oldest egg).If she doesn't set by then I would incubate myself and let her try again.Unless you do not want to incubate mark the oldest eggs and when she goes to set(if she chooses)pull any eggs over 15 days old.Or take a chance and let her keep them.Who knows they may hatch but they do drop off not die after 15 days.
In N.H.,Tony.

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