Will she ever lay a normal egg?


10 Years
Jun 28, 2009
I have a Golden Comet hen, Hazel, who is 11 months old. Her sister has been laying a beautiful egg every single day since October- even through the long winter, but Hazel hasn't laid a normal egg, yet. Once in a while she'll lay an egg-shaped egg but usually it's a more artistic endeavour; finger-shaped or alien-shaped.... She only lays these maybe once a week and they never have a yolk- even the egg-shaped ones. The shells are very thin, too. My hens get access to oyster shell grit and I haven't had a problem with any of the others having thin shells. This hen is very robust and seems very healthy and is extremely friendly. Just wish she'd get her act together. Is there something wrong with her innards do you think?
This is Hazel visiting inside on a particularly cold day.
I saw an egg like that in the newspaper although it was much bigger. I dont know a cure just thought I would share...
Yes, the egg in the picture is shaped like a gourd. Others have been much scarier! She's laid maybe 10-15 eggs and not one has had a yolk. Crazy Hazel....

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