Will she lay soon?


Jun 10, 2018
Melbourne, Australia

I'm an almost total newby, so I'll apologise in advance at my lack of knowledge - and my questions might be a bit silly.

Background info: We have three ISA Browns (well, commercial brown layers - from what I've been reading on here, it's unlikely they are actually ISA Browns as they came from possibly not the most reputable sources and I doubt they'd have been buying registered stock, but that's another story). Two are older hens that were ex battery hens, the other was purchased with another hen at what we were told was point of lay (sadly we lost her to illness very early on, and we had to treat the whole flock with antibiotics in water for 45 days). The two older hens started to moult during treatment and have now finished moulting, but the younger one is still moulting, albeit slowly (I have checked for mites, and there is no indication - definitely moulting). The two older hens started to lay again once they finished their moult, on about day 25 of medication, but we are yet to see an egg from the younger one. I am starting to suspect that she may be a slightly different mixed breed, as she looks very different from the others, and wondering if this might be a factor in why she's slow to start laying? She has very sturdy yellow legs, and is more upright. Her feathers (pre-moult) were also a very lovely red colour, with pure white tail feathers and a single black feather). I know that the sturdy legs and posture thing can sometimes indicate a roo, but we have had her for 2 months now and I estimate her to be about 9 months old, so I'm guessing if she were a roo we'd well and truly know about it by now, yeah? (My avatar photo is of her, pre-moult, and below is a photo of her today, where you can see how much more yellow and sturdy her legs are. The second image is of all three for size comparison.)

IMG_20180619_215519.jpg IMG_20180619_215827.png

Question/s: Is it possible that because she got sick right when she was supposed to start laying that she may never lay? Looking at her, does it look like she might just be still a bit young to lay? Or is it most likely that the stress of illness, medication and now her moulting, that it's just delayed her first egg? (We know that the other two are definitely responsible for the two eggs we get daily as we are always around to hear their egg songs and see them leaving the coop).
Thank you for your reply. I checked over the area (it's only a largish suburban backyard) and there's no nest, plus she runs back to the coop when the older two bolt to lay. I'm hoping the illness didn't damage her permanently. Thank you for the link, I'll read it now.
If you go to pet her does she squat down ? She may be too young yet , are they all on layer feed? Time will tell ,
Just wait her out she will lay when she’s ready and you’ve forgotten to worry about it
If you go to pet her does she squat down ? She may be too young yet , are they all on layer feed? Time will tell ,
Just wait her out she will lay when she’s ready and you’ve forgotten to worry about it

She doesn't squat, but then neither do either of my other hens everytime, both of which are laying daily. I've only ever seen the oldest hen do it a few times, and it is usually before bed (and she lays first thing in the morning).
They are all on layer feed.
I think you're right, she'll lay when I give up worrying there is something wrong and forget about it.

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