Will someone help me with this....?


In the Brooder
Mar 5, 2018
I have an Americauna hen who has sprained/strained her right leg and carries her tail feathers down at times. Yesterday, she ate some hand fed scrambled egg, today, she won't. The other hens might attack her at times....I am trying to keep her separated, but there is an entire chicken yard for them and I can't be there all the time. I checked and she is not prolapsed. What should I do for her, why would the other hens attack?
Welcome to BYC. They may be attacking her because of her limp or because they sense she is weak or sick.
Separate her with food and water in a dog crate, where she can see the others, but not be picked on. Feel inside her vent an inch or two with a finger to determine is she has a stuck egg (wear a disposable glove.)
Try offering her wet chicken feed (new each day,) egg, tuna, chopped liver, or meal worms. Try crushing 1/2 tablet of vitamin B complex in her food daily or give 2 ml of Poultry Cell vitamins. Can she stand and move her legs normally? Examine the foot pads for any scabs or bumblefoot. Look for any swelling in her leg or joints. Examine her crop to make sure it is emptying overnight.
Welcome to BYC. They may be attacking her because of her limp or because they sense she is weak or sick.
Separate her with food and water in a dog crate, where she can see the others, but not be picked on. Feel inside her vent an inch or two with a finger to determine is she has a stuck egg (wear a disposable glove.)
Try offering her wet chicken feed (new each day,) egg, tuna, chopped liver, or meal worms. Try crushing 1/2 tablet of vitamin B complex in her food daily or give 2 ml of Poultry Cell vitamins. Can she stand and move her legs normally? Examine the foot pads for any scabs or bumblefoot. Look for any swelling in her leg or joints. Examine her crop to make sure it is emptying overnight.
Oh thank you. I will put her in a dog crate with food and water, wow, was I worried.
First... She is an Australorp not Amercauna... Ok, I felt inside her vent, gently, and there was no egg or any hard object. However, I noticed that her poop was greenish and loose, could this mean something?
Poop becomes more green when they are not eating, and runny poops can be from a lot of things. Can you try to get your local vet to test some of her fresh droppings for parasites? A tsp of plain yogurt mixed into food can get some probiotics into her.

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