Will the rain kill my chickens??

..they are not liking the rain or possibly the wind from HURRICANE HANNA so much lol..they are real troopers and doing well in the high winds and squalls of rain

I'm far enough inland for serious hurricanes to be fairly rare but in contemplating the possibility of a mostly-wire coop as a summer grow-out facility I'm considering coming up with some kind of storm panel I can install for additional protection in emergencies.
I close them up at night but I do think I’m going to rework them to protect from rain and still be left open for the hot months.
They need ventilation 24/7 all year around.
You should/could also put a big vent in the center of coop under the run roof.

Where in this world are you located?
Climate, and time of year, is almost always a factor.
Please add your general geographical location to your profile.
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