Will there ever be a vaccine for Avian flu?

Will there ever be a vaccine for Avian flu just as there are vaccines for Mareks?
I found a news article that explains what's going on with it, but in a nutshell, they have been trying and still are. One problem is the avian flu is sort of like the human flu, how it changes and there are or can be many strains of it.
There... is already a vaccine for Avian Flu, you know...?

They have literally been using it on ducks in France since last year...
and it works so well vaccinated ducks have already been infected with Avian Flu (and, of course : AFTER BEING VACCINATED!!) : https://www.francebleu.fr/infos/agr...e-grippe-aviaire-de-l-hiver-en-vendee-9605950
(...Good the vaccine did to them : these poor birds were euthanized...!!
We can even honestly wonder if they would have been infected with Avian Flu if they were NOT vaccinated...?)

...For what it's worth : I personally would not want to eat foie gras, or meat or eggs from birds having been injected with this so-called vaccine...
Actually, I trust this vaccine so much I will be very, VERY careful to buy eggs and/or ducks from places where there are NOT any vaccinated (Avian Flu) bird...!

(If your country ever proposes a new vaccine to you... in my humble, modest opinion, you will be smart if you let OTHERS try the product long before YOU do...
After all, look at the good the vaccine already did in France : some vaccinated ducks were infected with Avian Flu in spite of the fact they were vaccinated, then EUTHANIZED, and... I really don't want to know how much it cost, you know...?
...But, of course, you do what you want to!)
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