Willow the Great Pyrenees

There is more research coming out that waiting is better for their health, but many vets still want to do it early. The issue is mostly because of irresponsible owners. If she escapes while in heat, then you will have puppies. Maybe a lot of them. Or you will incur the cost of a spay/abortion of them while pregnant. So your decision has to be based on both of those factors. I had my female spayed at 10 months, my male neutered at 7 months. Where I live there are a lot of loose dogs, a lot of dumped dogs, a high percentage of them are intact. I did not want to try to find homes for puppies. And even with fencing, there is no guarantee that a very determined one won't find a way in.
Well there's very few dogs around here so that's good but thers always the chance..
I would wait until she is 2. Also a OSS spay can stop certain cancers and has other health benefits.
Im looking for a vet to do a OSS on Denver
I'll look into that!
She has gained 3.2 pounds since last Sunday! Today she got her second round of puppy vaccines, DHPP and lepto. Her first round was DHPP and bordatella.
They grow fast! She looks like such a sweet girl, she's beautiful!
My boy is named Bear because he looked like a polar bear cub when he was little.
My girl is Bella, in honor of her rough collie half.
We found empty plastic milk or juice jugs (lids and rings removed) to be fabulous toys while they were still small enough. Once they got bigger, large PVC pipe fittings were good and indestructable. You can see one in the foreground of Bears picture. I think that's a 4" 90 degree fitting. Kong also makes a ball called a jumbler ball, that is a plastic ball with handles and a tennis ball inside, that has also held up really, really well, and not too expensive. They like that one also, it comes in two or 3 sizes. Toys start getting real expensive for them to destroy rather quickly! Mine love Kong Wubba Buddies, but they destroy even those in short order. Just be careful of anything she can get pieces off of, they can choke on things that smaller dogs might not have issues with. I won't let mine have anything smaller than a tennis ball. Both of mine were super chewers through puppyhood, Bella still is.
That is a large Koolaroo bed he's on, he's broken three of them just because of his size, I have not been able to find the XL one anywhere, and he loves it (they both do). I recently bought two more that are called Suddus brand, on Amazon, they have center braces and are much sturdier, better for dogs this size. And the biggest one is a better size than the Large Koolaroo.


I forgot....wanted to say, keep an eye on the dew claws. Bear has two that grow in a perfect circle. If you don't keep them clipped they will grow right around back into the pad. Bear was really fussy with his feet, doesn't like them touched, it took a lot of consistent work to get him to accept nail clippings. We do ours about every 3 weeks.
I forgot....wanted to say, keep an eye on the dew claws. Bear has two that grow in a perfect circle. If you don't keep them clipped they will grow right around back into the pad. Bear was really fussy with his feet, doesn't like them touched, it took a lot of consistent work to get him to accept nail clippings. We do ours about every 3 weeks.
The dew claws grow quicker than the rest of the nails.

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