Wing injury and now can't walk?

She's refusing to drink. She will eat scrambled eggs but will not drink unless I syringe give it to her. She's also "death breathing". I haven't seen a chicken come back from that šŸ˜ž
I have a 15 week legbar who flew into a door frame 2 weeks ago. I didn't notice any issue until the next day where her one wing was drooping slightly. I tried wrapping it, but that made her frantic and she was otherwise acting normal, other than not using that wing. I decided to let her be. Fast forward to a few days ago, she now can't walk. I have her isolated and she isn't eating or drinking much. I found her on her back yesterday morning. I'm not sure how a wing injury could cause all these other issues. Is there any illness that would have an effect on wing usage and progressively effect other parts of her? Could she have injured something else while trying to be mobile without the wing?
I called the only avian vet near me and was quoted $382+ for an exam, blood work and xrays. I unfortunately cannot afford that. Is there anything I can do for her?
What kind of injury?
Were there any broken bones?
Does she whistle when she breathes?
Is she still eating and drinking? The video shows neurological symptoms, possibly from the head injury or possibly Mareks or other causes. I would add some human vitamin E to her vitamins, 400 IU daily, since that can sometimes help with neuro symptoms and wry neck. Sorry that she has not improved.
Is she still eating and drinking? The video shows neurological symptoms, possibly from the head injury or possibly Mareks or other causes. I would add some human vitamin E to her vitamins, 400 IU daily, since that can sometimes help with neuro symptoms and wry neck. Sorry that she has not improved.
She will eat eggs only. I am syringe giving her water. I will add some e.

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