Wings of War RP chat thread

Name: Styrka
Flock: Oster
Age: 6 months
Gender: Female
Rank: Fledge
Breed: Silkie
Description: View attachment 552637
Personality: Fierce but kind if you are a friend
Parents: Amulet and Fluffy
Siblings: dead
Mate/crush: none
Chicks: none
History: born and raised in Oster
Other: Loyal supporter of Hercules and wants to be a warrior.
Username: silkieRaiser

Do we have any fledgers in Oster?
Name: Styrka
Flock: Oster
Age: 6 months
Gender: Female
Rank: Fledge
Breed: Silkie
Description: View attachment 552637
Personality: Fierce but kind if you are a friend
Parents: Amulet and Fluffy
Siblings: dead
Mate/crush: none
Chicks: none
History: born and raised in Oster
Other: Loyal supporter of Hercules and wants to be a warrior.
Username: silkieRaiser

Do we have any fledgers in Oster?

I have Arrow in Oster. Along with a couple others, but I think he would be best suited for her.
Name: Styrka
Flock: Oster
Age: 6 months
Gender: Female
Rank: Fledge
Breed: Silkie
Description: View attachment 552637
Personality: Fierce but kind if you are a friend
Parents: Amulet and Fluffy
Siblings: dead
Mate/crush: none
Chicks: none
History: born and raised in Oster
Other: Loyal supporter of Hercules and wants to be a warrior. Fledger is Arrow (@PeepersMama)
Username: silkieRaiser

This is the final i'm gonna submit unless you guys can think of anything else to add.

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