Winter Chicks in Nevada!


7 Years
Oct 20, 2012
We just moved to a house in Nevada and are excited to have received our first batch of Plymouth Barred Rock chicks. We're raising them in the house for the first week, at least because of the extremes of temperatures. We are able to keep them warm, but have a hard time in the day keeping them cool. I've solved that with lots of good suggestions on this board - so many thanks. We are using a two box brooder so they can move in and out of the hotter side. I also installed a Lux temperature outlet that cuts off if the heat gets too high in the cooler section. When I move them outside, I'm thinking of adding another Lux to turn a second light on if it gets too cold (like a sudden cold front or a blown bulb).
I'm going to keep reading and learning, but right now, we're also just enjoying our little peeps.
Hi Karen! We ended up putting our chicks out into a coop turned brooder, we added a heat lamp as well as a second reg 60 watt closer to them in case the one bulb burns out, dont want them to freeze to death here. Sounds like you got a great fix working!

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