Winter guideline for chicks

Buddys mom

May 28, 2023
I'll be getting four bantam easter egger chicks in the middle of October. I'll be keeping their brooder in our laundry room. I'm wondering when I'll be able to put them outside in the coop and run? We live in the California high desert and the temps were in the 20s at night off and on.
that cold, id shuffle them back indoors at night until theyre 5 weeks or so ... but they can go outside during the day if its warm at 2 weeks thereabouts as long as your setup can contain them that small ... the daily shuffling and handling routine will make them much easier to deal with as a bonus, use food to your advantage, dont starve them but make sure they run out .. once they figure out youre the food source theyll practically shuffle themselves for you ... usually in a week or so i can have them jumping in and out of the box for me lol ...
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I'll be getting four bantam easter egger chicks in the middle of October. I'll be keeping their brooder in our laundry room. I'm wondering when I'll be able to put them outside in the coop and run? We live in the California high desert and the temps were in the 20s at night off and on.
Can you put a heat source out in the coop?

No matter what the outdoor weather, you can brood chicks in the coop if the conditions inside the coop are right. Chicks need protection from wind and rain, and they need one spot that is warm enough for them to all warm up. Other than that, running off to cooler corners of the coop won't hurt them (provided they find their way back to the heat when they need it.)

When they are sleeping away from the heat at night instead of under it, you will know it is safe to take away the heat source.

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