Winter haven (central, FL) swap sale DEC 18th


Master of the Silly
11 Years
Jul 11, 2008
Winter Haven, FL
Alrighty folks it is time to host another swap! My swaps have been pretty good through out the year. We have had a great turn out of sellers & buyers. Parking is available in center divide as well as on the front yard. We have vendors set up from 8am to 9am. then buyers float in through out the day. I post in local feed stores & craigslist.

Dec 18th
8am to 1pm
838 23rd st NW Winter Haven, FL 33881


you are welcome to come sell anything yard sale items or crafts as well. I know my friend makes drums, i have jewelry & robyn makes coops.

TOY DRIVE..........

I am gonna have a toy drive this year for a family who has a child with cystic fibrosis ( ) Erin has been fighting this disease for years. Her wish is that her 5 year old brother Barred get a christmas. This family is at the brink of loosing their home & this will probally be the last xmas they have there. It has been hard for them but through it all they remain positive.

I am asking for donations of unwrapped boys toys for Barret ( 5 years old). I will be shipping them up there the following monday all address from Santa.

A Suburban Chicken & Eggs Farm
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no worries............

i had the news chief lady give me the ruff draft on the article. she is gonna fish it to the editor for the monthly slot, which would be big! If not she will have it in her small weekly section. She wrote about BYC & also made reference to Pampered pullets swap & listed her dec swap. Seems to be a great article & hopefully they will run it. It would be out NOV 1st.
Heather, Is she a BYC member? When in Dec. is her swap? What kind of a swap is she having? We would like to list her swap. Will you post the artice (not the rough draft) when she gets it finalized. I would like to post it on my websites also.
Heather, what an awesome article. I expect you will have a huge turnout. Hopefully I will be able to make it. I may be bringing some of my company with me. If I come I will have a small trailer I'll be towing. The same one I took to Eric and Le's swap.
should be a good time, might change time to later if it is super cold!! Do it more like 10-11 to 4ish or something. Wait till the sun warms up the planet first! LOL
Hi! I'm moving to winter haven in the next month, what are the laws regarding having chickens there? We have had some in the past at my house in Gainesville and was curious how it was in WH!

I would looooove to pick up some chicks at this swap but with a new landlord, I think I'll wait a few months before bringing up the idea of getting chickens!
it depends on if your in city limits or not. Un-incorparated has no laws against chickens. the only thing would trump that would be an HOA. Where in winter haven are you moving to? You can also call bartows ag department & as the ag officer to check with zoning.

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