Winter in Portland Oregon

Hello from across the river! I'm in Vancouver, WA. How is your winter going? We have 5 hens: 2 Silkies, a bantum something-or-other, Buff Orpington and an Australorp. They all do pretty well, except our Silkies. Those 2 don't have the sense to stay under shelter to keep dry. They just roam and scratch around their yard until they're drenched! Many times we have had to bring them in the house to dry off. We just enclosed their run section with tarps and wire fencing so we can make them stay in. Goofballs! I think it depends on the bird. So far this is working nicely for us, except that they've tasted freedom in the yard and want OUT. But better that than getting sick from a prolonged soaking! :thumbsup
To be honest the silkies are my only chickens that are willing to go out in the snow! 😂

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