
  1. F

    Peachy Keen Place in PDX

    Hello Everyone! I haven’t started chicken keeping yet but I’m here to learn all I can. My household just moved into a new house last spring with enough space to set up the small urban homestead of my dreams. We call it Peachy Keen Place. This season we are focusing on getting our vegetable...
  2. Etakeh

    Single middle-aged Black Sumatra, Oregon

    Due to life things, I have had to move to where I can't have chickens any longer. A friend was keeping my last two, and one of them died yesterday. I hate the idea of that last lady being alone, and would love to find her a new place with company. Due to her breed and age (5 yrs), she is a...
  3. RosyChickens

    Winter in Portland Oregon

    I live near Portland Oregon, my ladies were hatched in February so everyone is feathered. How do I get ready for winter? What do they need different for the cold months? there are 7 girls, no roosters , in a good size coop and covered run. That free range during the day. What is everyone using...
  4. P

    Emergency - lonely depressed chicken in Portland, OR needs mate

    We have had a happy brood of two chickens for the last four years. They have been inseparable friends. Just this week one of them appears to have a stroke, and we have removed her from the coop to keep her in isolation and see if she gets better. Fearing the worst since they are both five, we...
  5. imnew2chickens

    Poll: What breed of hens should I get?

    I want 3-4 hens of different breeds for my backyard in Portland, OR. What breeds should I get?
  6. zinnia5117

    Any experience or recommendations with the Sym Coop in Portland Oregon?

    Hi everyone, I’m starting to seriously get ready to build a coop. I like the idea of the “Sym Coop” design from “Reinventing the Chicken Coop”. There is a link that shows pictures. http://newfactory.com/sym/ My one concern is that I bet it gets a bit colder up here in the Portland (OR) area...
  7. M

    Free friendly rooster in Portland OR

    Rob has Found a home now! Thanks!
  8. tierneyy

    Two ayam cemani Roosters for sale

    I have two beautiful ayam cemani roosters for sale. They are 3.5 months old totally healthy. I hate to part with them but Im not allowed to have roosters in my area. I live in the Portland Oregon area. Let me know if you have any questions!
  9. HaleysHalf

    Hello From Haley!

    Hi All! I’m Haley, of Nate and Haley’s Half Acre Homestead. My fiancé and I love our little piece of country in an otherwise highly populated area. We have chickens, rabbits, ducks, 3 dogs, and a cat! I took a break from chickens through my 20’s, but I have otherwise been raising them my whole...
  10. brrabey

    Free 8wk old blue splash roo Portland, OR

    Hi! We hatched and raised some blue splash Americauna chicks and they are beautiful. We have two 8week roo's unclaimed. Hatched 6/30 Kitty and duck are up for adoption. Just getting some splash. Here is a baby pic and recent pic as well as a pic from the breeder. I'm in hood river. An hour from...
  11. brrabey

    4 Appenzeller Spitzhauben Roos silver Oregon

    I have hatched 4 beautiful Appenzeller Spitzhauben Roos. 7weeks old but will be 8 weeks by the time you get them. They were raised by a broody spitz. 100% Free ranged so they are very predator savvy. Raised on organic Scratch and Peck, they come when called and have been handled by kids...
  12. kimleethal

    Australorpe Rooster Needs a Country Home! $10

    I live in the city of Portland, OR, and one of the chicks that I just bought a few months back turned out to be a boy, so I need to find him a new home outside of town. We are unable to keep roosters in the city, so I'm looking for a good home for him, rather than a dinner plate. If you are...
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