Winter is Coming! Checklists, tips, advice for a newbie

After breaking numerous metal waterers, as well as the heater base that goes with a metal waterer....and breaking at least two, if not three heated dog waterers...

I now use and love the black rubber Formex feed pans. I put it in the run (best when put up against a wind break).

Once the water starts to freeze up solid in less than an hour, I toss in a stock tank deicer that is safe to run directly on plastic and is safe to run dry, and only switches on when needed.
@Rich55016 Welcome to BYC. I'm from Minnesota as well. You are building a beautiful coop. Over on the Minnesota thread a good chickeneer @KlopKlop posted this picture to consider ventilation for that building design your using for the roof in particular. It is best ventilated with a cupola at the peak or a whirly gig sort of ventilation at the peak.


Just how cold does it get where you are at?

OK...I tease... But I do remember the year when the hill country had an entire week of two inches of snow... I have pictures.
Don't tease the Lower Fourty-Eighters about the Winter. It shows up there in Alaska in about another month or so right??

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