winter on Runner ducks

Quote: Hi Ms. Lydia,
Thanks for the info. They have an approx 2-3 gal. kitty litter jug I cut one large side out of (retaining a lip to keep water in). They do not climb in any of their water bowls (I have them set so they cannot). They do the "bath at the sink" kind of thing... head in, bring water up and over their backs, etc. So they are getting their daily bathing time, but the water was freezing a bit on them. It was below 20*F. They seemed to be fine, I was just not used to seeing that and wanted to know if it was ok.

Still getting 4 eggs a day without adding a lot of supplemental light. Feeding 18% poultry pellets, giving extra calcium, some niacin (left over from duckling stage) and some cat kibbles blended in with pellets on those colder days/nights. We have a basement window that is in their pen, and we can check on them at their level (it's pretty fun). They tap on the window with their beaks!
Hi Ms. Lydia,
Thanks for the info. They have an approx 2-3 gal. kitty litter jug I cut one large side out of (retaining a lip to keep water in). They do not climb in any of their water bowls (I have them set so they cannot). They do the "bath at the sink" kind of thing... head in, bring water up and over their backs, etc. So they are getting their daily bathing time, but the water was freezing a bit on them. It was below 20*F. They seemed to be fine, I was just not used to seeing that and wanted to know if it was ok.

Still getting 4 eggs a day without adding a lot of supplemental light. Feeding 18% poultry pellets, giving extra calcium, some niacin (left over from duckling stage) and some cat kibbles blended in with pellets on those colder days/nights. We have a basement window that is in their pen, and we can check on them at their level (it's pretty fun). They tap on the window with their beaks!
The other morning it was in the low 20's my ganders neck feathers were frozen where he had put his head and neck down into his 5 gal bucket . it's a good thing they are well insulated isn't it. Mine do the laying down on their feet and legs foraging too. I'd say it is much colder where you are than here in Mid south though. I'd love to see some pics of your set up when you can. That is awesome your still getting eggs, my Muscovy's stopped laying in Oct and I won't see any eggs from them till probably next March. Hopefully my chickens will start back laying soon since they are finally through molt. I miss fresh eggs.
Sadly, one of my two ducks was killed this week. I plan to shore up the coop for her and I think she's young enough and has grown up around chickens, goats and people so won't be too lonely. Any additional tips to keep her warm and happy as it get cold?
Sadly, one of my two ducks was killed this week. I plan to shore up the coop for her and I think she's young enough and has grown up around chickens, goats and people so won't be too lonely. Any additional tips to keep her warm and happy as it get cold?
@campchickens I'm sorry about your duck what happened? I'd make it top priority to shore up the coop because if it was a predator they will return until you have none left alive.

As for making sure she has all she needs, mainly a secure house out of the elements no need to heat if good and solid and has adequate ventilation. She will be lonely though why not look on Craigslist and see if you can get her a buddy?

They need to have water daily that isn't frozen I use heated buckets other here do to. even my chickens use the buckets since chicken waterers would freeze. over night isn't necessary. But it's important they can wash their nares out often.
I'm definitely careful about fresh water, even when below freezing. Not sure what got the other guy, but I'm hoping she'll be happy with her chicken friends. She and the other duck (male) spent the first month of their lives together with a rooster chick in a Pack and Play in my apartment, so she and the roaster so pal around. I do want more ducks and would love to get her some friends, but now we're getting off topic.

Coop is secure, just not winterized yet. Project for this week. I guess I just need to block the elements? Will she be warm enough? She hasn't shown any inclination toward building a nest, or going into the roost with her chicken friends.
I'm definitely careful about fresh water, even when below freezing. Not sure what got the other guy, but I'm hoping she'll be happy with her chicken friends. She and the other duck (male) spent the first month of their lives together with a rooster chick in a Pack and Play in my apartment, so she and the roaster so pal around. I do want more ducks and would love to get her some friends, but now we're getting off topic.

Coop is secure, just not winterized yet. Project for this week. I guess I just need to block the elements? Will she be warm enough? She hasn't shown any inclination toward building a nest, or going into the roost with her chicken friends.

They have down under their feathers so if she has a coop where she can get out of the rain sleet snow and blowing wind of winter she should be fine. Make sure there is ventilation at the top of your coop for warm moist air to exit and a way for fresh air to enter with out drafts blowing over your duck and chickens. You may have to walk behind her and guide her inside so she'll be safe at night.
my runner duck shivers in the winter temps. they have a coop they have access to all day-then locked in at night. they free range all day but even in cold temps they don't go in to warm up? any ideas-sweater maybe?
I was very surprised that last winter my Runners and Buffs went in their house quiet often to warm up and get out of the frigid wind and weather. How old are your ducks?
they are 3years. my runner is the only male,who watches over his girls. a pekin and 2 blue Swedish. they are big girls so the cold don't seem to bother them as much. he probably just don't want to leave his ladies to go warm up?

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