wintering with ducks .... How???

We get nowhere near those kind of minus temperatures thankfully ....I'm just a worry wart when it comes to my animals lol .....extra food/treats and straw suits me so long as I know they will be warm enough at night ....

What treats would you suggest and also would that mean I would have to put water into their house through the night?....Which I don't particularly want to do but I know they have to have water with their food
Check this out for treat ideas
And if you put water in their house try something like this

They can't try to swim in it or get water everywhere, but they can wash their faces and drink
Check this out for treat ideas
And if you put water in their house try something like this
They can't try to swim in it or get water everywhere, but they can wash their faces and drink

This looks like a great idea for duck watering, do I see a flap to help keep them "polite"? LOL

Has anyone put any type of stock tank heater in a plastic kids pool successfully? I would think that the submersible might burn it, and I fear the floating ones would get the ducks injured somehow.

I do have galvanized steel water tanks, but one is 1200 gallons and the other is tall and deep. I think I would prefer a rubberized tank.....
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