Winterizing Chicken Coop

So air can get out....most definitely. And a couple inches at the bottom along one side, above the bedding, for the same reason....good air in the bottom, stale and humid air out the top. Will help you avoid frostbite if you can get some gentle air movement of that type going. You might also consider some DL in that run for more winter time heat and health for the gals. As long as you maintain good ventilation it will work wonders in there.

thanks for your reply! I will definetly be going with what you suggest. what is 'DL'?
Using shed is good idea regardless of climate.

If you live where t frequently goes below 32F, those vertical nipples are going to stand up even with a heater.
They look a little low too.
Here's what I use, has worked great down to -12F....and weeks on end of 24/7 <32F.

I don't plan on using my current water setup for the winter. I plan on using a 5 gallon bucket with a heating element inside and using horizontal nipples. What do you suggest?
yes, i am worried about the water freezing in the winter. I live in CT and over the winter is does get quite cold here for the winter. I plan on using a 5 gallon bucket hooked up to a thermocube with a couple horizontal poultry nipples with a heating element and a water pump to keep the water moving around. thoughts?
You won't need a pump with that system. I use a plastic 10 gallon tote instead of a bucket as it holds more water. Since the tote is semi clear I can also see when it needs more water. A stock tank deicer doesn't need the thermocube as it has its own thermostat built in to keep the water from freezing. The stock tank deicer is one that is safe to use in plastic. My system worked great. Coldest we got was -10. Water is kept outside in the run.
You won't need a pump with that system. I use a plastic 10 gallon tote instead of a bucket as it holds more water. Since the tote is semi clear I can also see when it needs more water. A stock tank deicer doesn't need the thermocube as it has its own thermostat built in to keep the water from freezing. The stock tank deicer is one that is safe to use in plastic. My system worked great. Coldest we got was -10. Water is kept outside in the run.

I like the way your setup sounds! I will do some more research on it! thanks!
I like the way your setup sounds! I will do some more research on it! thanks!

You won't need a pump with that system. I use a plastic 10 gallon tote instead of a bucket as it holds more water. Since the tote is semi clear I can also see when it needs more water. A stock tank deicer doesn't need the thermocube as it has its own thermostat built in to keep the water from freezing. The stock tank deicer is one that is safe to use in plastic. My system worked great. Coldest we got was -10. Water is kept outside in the run.
what delivery method did you use? what I mean is how did the chicks get the water? did you use the horizontal nipples?
Not sure what happened to link....must have forgotten to paste it.
I'd go with a smaller than 5 gallon 20 birds go thru less than a gallon everyday, I just top it off each morning with warm water.
You don't need a pump.

thanks so much. I like your setup a lot. I have to start gathering the supplies so when the time comes I'm ready. Thanks again. Also, I'm cleaning out my shed that is right next to the run. Any insight on how I can set it up in there?
Quote: What are dimensions of feet by feet?
How many birds do you have?
What is your climate? putting your location in your profile can really helps folks give better answers/suggestions.

I'd put the pop door going into the run towards the front of shed, 8" above ground level.
Poop board with roost above in back of shed, opposite shed people doors....nests underneath and maybe feeder hanging there too.
Where are you going to bring the power in?
You're going to need to put some ventilation in shed too....probably gable vents would work best.
Is there another window on other side of shed?
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