winterizing the coop? lighting/heating and bedding?


6 Years
Sep 9, 2013
Chaffee, NY
I am in my first year of raising my chickens, it is now getting colder (20-40) at night and days (40-55), I live in NY. Winter will be here before I know it and I am trying to figure out how to make my babes cozy and safe. Their coop (about 8'x4') is inside our barn (the size of a 2 1/2 car garage), there are no drafts but has good air circulation. I have a plastic waterer which I have had a heating lamp (250W) pointed at at night so it will not freeze and to add warmth to the coop (not sure of the temp inside the coop). I have been speaking with other chicken parents and they say I am crazy for having a heating lamp on so soon and that they will be fine until the temp reaches below 0. I thought I would need to add a second heating lamp to add warmth due to the size of the barn itself (the walls to the coop are osb board on the bottom and chicken wire on the upper half), heat rises :) I also am not sure if I should keep the heat lamps on all day/night and if I should have a regular watt bulb on a few hours to increase their "daylight", they are still young enough that they are not laying eggs (hopefully in the next couple months). I also have a cement floor which I lay down pine shavings as bedding. Thank you in advanced for any advice you can offer!
Well what I would do is just leave the heat lamp is so if they get could. How many do you have and how old are they? It is my second year and they only reason I have a heat lamp in the coop is because I just got some turkeys and they need the heat lamp you can also add more bedding not to much but just enough to were the floor wont show. Concreat floors can sometimes suck some of the warmth out
I have 10 chickens and 1 rooster, I choose to not use heating lamps in the winter. If the power goes out, they're body temp wil go into shock and they could die. But everyone does things differently. If I were to use a lamp I wouldn't do all day so that they can get used to the temp. I'm from cape cod so the temps don't get below 0 usually. Good luck!
I have 10 chickens and 1 rooster, I choose to not use heating lamps in the winter. If the power goes out, they're body temp wil go into shock and they could die. But everyone does things differently. If I were to use a lamp I wouldn't do all day so that they can get used to the temp. I'm from cape cod so the temps don't get below 0 usually. Good luck!
I only use my heat lamp at night and I am only using it because my turkeys are young and their feathers are in bad condintion because the guy I bought them from had them in a store so they were in cages but it depends on were you live
I only use my heat lamp at night and I am only using it because my turkeys are young and their feathers are in bad condintion because the guy I bought them from had them in a store so they were in cages but it depends on were you live
Oh ok missed the turkey part!! Exactly, everyone does things differently and have different environments to work with! I'm sure your babies will be just fine! Can't Believe how cold it is already!!

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