Wobbly Tweet?

Tweets Mama

In the Brooder
Jun 16, 2023
Citrus Co FL
Hi again, hoping you all might have some feedback. Our wee feathered friend is approximately 3 weeks old, it was in very poor condition and barely able to stand when we took it in 2 weeks ago. Tweet now eats and drinks well, but has had a drooping wing and seems increasingly unstable on his feet. He had begun to fly onto a little table, but has stoppad trying and now mostly just flexes his wings. I am unable to determine an injury but sure it’s possible? We have a second pea chick about the same age with him, but he is obviously not as healthy and can run about but definitely rests and sleeps quite a bit. Your thoughts and suggestions are welcome - thank you!


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Thank you for your help! I’m reading up about meditation and it appears toltrazuril is the suggested one? I’ve had no luck finding it at Tractor Supply and Rural King - hoping to get this started tomorrow 🙏🏻
Yeah, not gonna happen, it is not approved in the US and has to be ordered from without. Canada, Jordan, and Australia are a few of the source countries.
Any vet in the US is not going to give you much information. Your best bet is to start the chicks on Corid for now and then do an online search to get it ordered.

There are a couple of articles here on BYC to read up on, perhaps a link or two also. Mine comes from Jordan but is ordered from a place in NY. but still takes a couple of weeks to get here. If you are dealing with cocci in chicks you don't have that much time.
Thank you SO much! We ended up taking Tweet for a road trip today, local bird vet not available this week. Long afternoon for us and a wee peachick but glad we went. He tested negative for cocci, no structural damage apparent and no mites (thankful for all that!) The vet thinks it may be a vitamin deficiency issue and sent us home with lixotinic supplement. Vet is guessing he has about 60% chance. He and peachick #2 are super happy to be home together! We’ll do our best for him. I am so happy for this site - and even more so when I came home and looked up administration of liquid meds - had we followed the vet tech’s instructions we probably would have hurt him. SO very thankful for the article and video - we all survived our first dose 😊)

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