Wolf Roleplay

Name: Jazz
Gender: male
Clan: loner
Rank: puppy
Crush(if any:
Mate(if any):
Pups(if any):
Personality: TBR ( to be revealed)
Other(if any): Sora and Chelsea's puppy.

Name: Turquoise
Gender: female
Clan: loner
Rank: puppy
Crush(if any:
Mate(if any):
Pups(if any):
Personality: TBR

History(optional): to be rped
Other(if any): Sora and Chelsea's puppy.
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[COLOR=333333]Name: Jazz[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]
[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]Gender: male[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]
[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]Clan: loner[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]
[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]Rank: puppy[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]
[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]Crush(if any:[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]
[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]Mate(if any):[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]
[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]Pups(if any):[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]
[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]Personality: TBR ( to be revealed)[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]
[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]Appearance: [/COLOR][COLOR=333333]
[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]Other(if any): Sora and Chelsea's puppy.[/COLOR]

[COLOR=333333]Name: Turquoise[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]
[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]Gender: female[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]
[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]Clan: loner[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]
[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]Rank: puppy[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]
[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]Crush(if any:[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]
[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]Mate(if any):[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]
[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]Pups(if any):[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]
[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]Personality: TBR[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]
[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]Appearance: [/COLOR]
[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]History(optional): to be rped [/COLOR][COLOR=333333]
[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]Other(if any): Sora and Chelsea's puppy.[/COLOR][COLOR=333333]
(In :))
"It's Forestclan if your wondering. We are new, but I will leave now," Flint said. He didn't want them to become more suspicious.

Silvermist sighed, thinking about what the wolf said.
Iceheart looked at him,her eyes still narrowed "If you have nothing else to say, then do."She said, her voice cold.She didn't trust anyone,now that Bronze was loose she didn't know what to expect.
Iceheart looked at him,her eyes still narrowed "If you have nothing else to say, then do."She said, her voice cold.She didn't trust anyone,now that Bronze was loose she didn't know what to expect.

Flint cowered submissively and turned around and headed back to his camp.

Silvermist watched him leave. She said,"Well that was interesting."
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Jaman was still asleep.
Nira crawled into the undergrowth,morning mist swirling around her paws.Light was just poking out through the trees,making her pelt glow silver.She sniffed the air,it was harder to scent prey with the mist but she did pick up something foul.Her curiosity got the best of her and followed the scent to rabbit dead that reeked of sickness and decay.Her nose wrinkled in disgust at the smell but she knew somebody had to get rid of it,even the crows wouldn't touch such filth.She dug a shallow hole and gingerly moved the rabbit closer to it with her paws.She buried it then continued with her morning hunt.

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