Wondering about my runner

That's what I have been trying to do with the photo. I'll try the video with youtube method.
But neither have I been able to change my avatar? I have a droid so don't know if that has anything to do with it? Put I uploaded it to my MAC and it wouldn't load either? I usually don't have this much of a problem.:rolleyes: Thank you
I only work on macs and I don't have any problem. I also have an iphone but I hate doing BYC on it. It's so much easier on the computer.

First of all, have you downloaded all your photos and videos to your mac?
Maybe that's the problem? I have no idea how you do that from an android but I would think that you just attach the usb/phone cord to the computer and it should communicate somehow with the "Photos" app on the computer.

I use photo stream from my phone but I don't know if that's even and option if using an android. When I take a picture it automatically just goes onto my computer as long as I'm on wifi. Videos don't though to I have to manually put them on the computer.

If your pictures are already in "photos" on your computer I can absolutely walk you through this. If you want to private message me we can do this without the whole world seeing.
I have just attached a video with my duck who I think may have something wrong with her. Her feathers are puffed out a lot.

She seems to be acting normal to me, but as a precautionary measure, If you have a food scale you can weigh her daily to see if she is losing weight, I'd also pay close attention to her poop.
How old is she and have they molted yet this year? Beautiful flock by the way.
Thank you, They are going to be a year old June 8th. And no they have't molted yet this year. She has been like this for about a month. Mostly her back but sometimes it's her head and down her neck also. The others haven't done this buy one time a few days ago. Today everyone is smoothed feathered but Fern.
She seems to be acting normal to me, but as a precautionary measure, If you have a food scale you can weigh her daily to see if she is losing weight, I'd also pay close attention to her poop.
They all seem to have runny poop lately? I do give them mealworms in the am and pm that they absolutely love! Also I still leave their food and water in at night. In the morning poop is quite wet and runny. I have the water container hanging against the wall. I have had one and I can't figure out even now, that has a very dark runny poop. They free range in a fenced in area that's about an acre, except at night they are locked up. I feed them an organic barley mix and just before they started to lay I started putting oyster shells in their food. Thank you for any idea of what I maybe doing wrong.

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